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Eddie B 5:55 Mon Oct 10
Jumper at Chadwell Heath
People always top themselves on a Monday and at somewhere like Chadwell Heath or Seven Kings.

You never have people topping themselves at Gidea Park or Upminster.

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bruuuno 10:01 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
In all seriousness though I remember being delayed once because of a jumper at whitechapel and giving it the usual bollocks about them being selfish etc etc and had the hump. Got home and my mum was in tears telling me that my cousin had jumped under a tube at whitechapel. I felt terrible.

People don't understand how fucked in the head people are that do these things, they aren't capable of making rational decisions let alone think about how they might be inconveniencing others.

Before she died my cuz thought demons where chasing her and she took all her clothes off because she thought the demons were in her clothes. She probably jumped under the tube to get away from them poor girl. RIP

bruuuno 9:54 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Pantaloons at penge

Leonard Hatred 9:52 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath

riosleftsock 9:15 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Tank Top at Mornington Crescent?

Athletico Easthamico 8:48 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Was it Pringle?

Leonard Hatred 8:40 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Trousers at Stockwell.

Lertie Button 7:55 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Are things that bad that we can't even afford goal posts at the training ground

Haz 8:43 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
I was working as a hi-rise window cleaner in Sydney many years ago. My mate and I were on top of a thirty-odd storey building just getting ready to go over the side in our cradle. This Japanese guy appears, takes his jacket off, folds it neatly, puts it on top of the shoes he'd slipped off too, places his glasses tidily on top of the lot and then just sort of leapt off the top! No noise, no screaming. Just a faint squishy thud a few moments later.

SnarestoneIron 8:20 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Anybody given thought to their Xmas jumper? Or are they so last year? I live in the Midlands, so maybe we are behind on London trends

Sydney_Iron 6:13 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
I was at a shopping centre a few years ago and some bloke jumped off the top floor, didn’t see it as he fell past but heard the screams of others and then the thud as he hit the top of some food outlet, thankfully he only killed himself, I looked over the 1st floor balcony to the scene directly below and wished I hadn’t, didn’t sleep well for a couple of days and shook me up a bit, surprised myself that it took me a few days to get over seeing it TBH.

How those working in and around the food stand and standing in the area coped with the fall and aftermath god only knows but can see why people need help/counselling when witnessing this sort of thing, feel sorry for the blokes family but not him, the selfish cunt.

londonrebel 4:43 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
On July 29th, I was at Barking station, I had just missed a train, it was just pulling away, I looked up and saw an old guy and another lady. I said oh we just missed that, but look there is another train coming.
The 3 of us stood waiting and just as the train began to slow the old guy dived under the train, Apart from the utter shock at seeing that and the ' noise' it made as the train ran over him, It was the sheer shock on the drivers face and the screaming of the other lady that I keep getting flashbacks from. I was so shocked that I had to get away and just sort of ran to a train that had pulled in on the adjoining platform, A guy and a lady were kind enough to help me, By that time the tears had started and I was in a right state.
Not pleasant and it is a selfish thing to do.

ManorParkHammer 4:22 Wed Oct 12
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Sad things happen in London Eddie mate.

The_Phantom 2:35 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Yeh must admit my first reading of this post was clothes related.
I thought we were starting a lost property thread

International Donald 2:32 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
I got a new jumper, well not new but new for me.

It was red.

Northern Sold 2:19 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Probably hates the stadium... so understandable to me

Grumpster 2:17 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
None of us have a rational mindset Macca, or at least we haven't had since following West Ham!!

One McAvennieeeeee 2:14 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
People with a rational mindset will never understand it, so it's pointless trying to.

Grumpster 2:13 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
One of my best mates did it Anon and he left behind a wife (ok so they hated each other a bit - arranged marriage) and a 17 year old daughter.

Bit selfish for me to do that and he was extremely lucky as it was deemed an accident so they still got paid out a decent insurance package, which bizarrely went trough the law firm I work at.

I know that day he had been told he hadn't passed his probation period at a new firm, so no way was it an accident.

Awful when anyone does it, but they're not the ones left with the pain. As I'm the lucky bugger without any emotions, I was given the job of phoning everyone to tell them and then having to listen to them all crying on the other ends of the line hysterically.

Mr Anon 2:01 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Grump- Sorry, guess you meant in context of someone jumping in front of you.

Mr Anon 1:58 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
Grumpster 10:02 Mon Oct 10
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath

"bollocks to anyone commiting suicide, no sympathy for them."

Really? bit cold mate. Obviously you're fortunate enough to not have anyone you care about do it.

Fifth Column 1:52 Tue Oct 11
Re: Jumper at Chadwell Heath
The Mexicans should pay for it

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